Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Minahasa Asul Usul

The Minahasa Asul Usul

Authors: Ryker Marvyn

Lambang Minahasa

Indonesia, North Sulawesi, Manado. Native tribes there is Minahasa, and from which the original ancestor Minahasa tribe? according to the story of myth, myth is a sacred story, sacred and do not in any describe. Minahasa tribe ancestor is the Earth Goddess and the god of the sun bear offspring Minahasa, the story is told in the local language and who know only the Walian which is appointed by opo generation - generation. This story is usually told in general at the time of the ceremony Rumages, a story Toar Lumimu'ut. Toar sun god who always brighten and Minahasa Lumimu'ut Earth Goddess who gives fertility to the land of Minahasa and offspring.

Following a short story about Myth Minahasa I can tell the story as more information is confidential and only tell just in the heredity. Because if you told a lot going akan akan difficult questions that are described further, for example Earth Goddess on this native language Astoreth in the Bible. Sayapun can only be told about any such myths.

Then the ancestors of Minahasa at the beginning of the beginning? if the story based on fact?. from opinion Tandean, an expert in language and letter Ancient China, in 1997 came examine Watu Pinawetengan. Through any posts "Min Nan tou" is there in the stone, he said, tou Minahasa King Ming is derived from the land of Mongolia berimigrasi come to Minahasa. Meaning of Min Nan tou are "the descendants of the Sun King of the island. But strange as also known Ming Dynasty are not exactly Mongolia Ming Dynasty is a change that led Yuan Dynasty Mongol nation, by Kubilai Khan.

Based on the opinions of experts, among ALC Baekman and MB Van Der Jack that is derived from the same race Mongolscheplooi correlation with the Japanese and Mongolian is memiki lipit Mongolia. Indeed, the people familiar with the Mongolian way of life, fight with the 1 / 2 the time led by Genghis Khan, Mongol nation and does not spread except to go to Manado. Similarities with the Mongols in the system of belief can be seen on the original religion Minahasa as Mongolian Shamanism. And also led by a directly Walian entered by opo.Shamanism is the religion held firm in heredity by Mongol tribes. Can be seen also in Kalimantan Dayak, and Korea.

However, the Minahasa people are not just purely from the Mongols, but it is a mixture of Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, and known to be descendants of Jews, but more influenced by Christianity. The actual original Minahasa from the Mongols, the intensity of war, and with the famous Jewish kecerdasannya.Indeed, as a Dutch Jew who go to India only up 1 place of worship in Indonesia, please see the synagogues in Tondano

As we know Manado in Indonesia the process spelled out by foreign nations because it spoiled by the Dutch and partners. And the very different characteristics with the Indonesian people in general.
Minahasa tribe divided into nine subsuku:

  1. Babontehu
  2. Bantik
  3. Pasan Ratahan (Tounpakewa)
  4. Ponosakan
  5. Tonsea
  6. Tontemboan
  7. Toulour
  8. Tonsawang
  9. Tombulu

Minahasa contain the name of a noble from the ancestors through musyarawarah with the pledge that all Minahasa tou and his descendants will always be harmonious in the spirit of cultural Sitou Timou Tumou tou. In other words tou Minahasa akan stick together (maesa) wherever he is based with the nature maesa-esaan (mutually united, unanimous), Maleo-leosan (mutual love and pity), magenang-pool (remember each other), malinga-lingaan ( hear each other), masawang-Sawangan (mutual help) and matombo-tomboloan (contradict each other). This is the foundation of unity tou Minahasa from which all values of native cultural traditions Minahasa (Richard Leirissa, Human Minahasa, 1995).

So even though people have Minahasa anywhere in the end will come back together and, at that time will occur at the end of the era, which no one who can. As opo Karema had the mandate for "the offspring of you will live separate by mountains and jungle. However, the willingness to remain united and successful."




Anonymous said...

di manakah saya dapat memperoleh infonya.. please info ke sonta_frisca@yahoo.com. saya mau beli banyak... thx

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