Manado, Sulawesi, Indonesia, Minahasa

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Batu Akik Talaud Sulawesi Utara

Gem Identification
Color : PURPLE
Index (R1) :  ???
Specific Grav. :  ???
Characteristik :  ???
Conclusion :  ???
More new explorations are expected in the future since many of the provinces are not yet explored, for instance Papua and Central Sulawesi. According to some recent explorations in Sukabumi, West Java has been found blue opal; some miners found purple chalcedony gemstone in Talaud archipelago;people in Banten newly found agate and geode gemstone. Among the provinces of Indonesia, there are 5 biggest areas producing such beautiful gemstones.
Sulut Miliki Potensi Kembangkan Perhiasan Batu Permata

MANADO BISNIS – Di Sulut ternyata memiliki potensi perhiasan batu permata yang layak dikembangkan menjadi Industri Kecil Menengah (IKM). Potensi tersebut terdapat di Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud. 

Demikian dikatakan Kepala Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan (Disperindag) Sulut, Sanny Parengkuan. "Sebagian daerah pegunungan di Kabupaten Talaud mengandung bahan alam yang bisa diolah menjadi batu permata, karena itu ke depan akan dikembangkan IKM penghasil produk perhiasan bermutu tersebut," ujarnya.

Dikatakan Parengkuan, struktur tanah yang ada di beberapa pegunungan Talaud, sangat berpotensi diolah menjadi batu permata, karena itu menjadi perhatian pemerintah propinsi untuk pemberdayaan IKM batu permata.

Ditambahkan Kepala Bidang Fasilitasi Pengembangan IKM, Disperindag Sulut, Nico Rambitan, dasar pengembangan IKM batu permata di Kabupaten Talaud, karena di kawasan itu sebelumnya sudah ada yang menghasilkan produk perhiasan tersebut. "Pemerintah daerah tinggal mengembangkan IKM batu permata di daerah tersebut sehingga menjadi penghasil perhiasan yang patut diperhitungkan di kancah nasional," paparnya.

Pengembangan IKM batu permata, menurut dia, sudah masuk dalam program pemberdayaan IKM Sulut untuk beberapa tahun ke depan. "Program pengembangan IKM batu permata, akan kita masukkan pada program dengan sistem one village one product atau satu wilayah satu produk yang saat ini menjadi fokus pengembangan IKM di Sulut," tandasnya. 

Diharapkan Rambitan, bila program pengembangan IKM batu permata Talaud tersebut berhasil, akan mampu meningkatan taraf hidup masyarakat dan pertumbuhan ekonomi kabupaten perbatasan dengan Filipina tersebut. [yg/mtr]
Pemkab Talaud teliti batu permata di 30 pulau kecil
Manado, (Antara Sulut) - Pemerintah Kabupaten Talaud, Provinsi Sulawesi Utara, akan meneliti kekayaaan sumber daya alam batu permata di 30 pulau kecil di daerah tersebut.

"Semua pulau besar sudah dipastikan memiliki kekayaan alam batu permata, saat ini kami akan meneliti 30 pulau kecil, apakah memiliki kandungan cukup banyak," kata Sekretaris Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan (Disperindag) Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud Derek Gagola di Manado, Rabu.

Derek mengatakan, batu permata merupakan berkah bagi masyarakat Talaud, karena bahan perhiasan tersebut ditemukan di hampir semua kecamatan, terutama di kawasan pulau besar.

Untuk pengembangan kekayaan alam batu permata, kata Derek, pemerintah daerah terus memberdayakan industri kerajinan batu permata yang secara intensif terus memproduksi perhiasan ini.

"Pemerintah daerah merencanakan mengirim beberapa pelaku industri kecil batu permata ke Bandung, tujuannya agar mereka dapat mengolah baik batu permata menjadi perhiasan yang menarik dan indah," kata Derek.

Beberapa program pemberdayaan, kata Derek, terus diupayakan pemerintah daerah di antaranya mendatangkan ahli pengolahan batu permata dari Sukabumi dan Bandung beberapa waktu lalu.

Kepala Bidang Fasilitasi Pengembangan Industri Kecil Menengah(FPIKM) Disperindag Sulut Nico Rambitan mengatakan, karena potensi batu permata Talaud sangat besar, pemerintah provinsi merencanakan produk ini dikembangkan melalui pendekatan "One Village One Product" (OVOP) atau satu desa satu produk.

"Keuntungan pendekatan OVOP, pemerintah akan memperhatikan lebih serius, termasuk pemberdayaan bagi industri kecil menengah (IKM) dalam pengolahnya," kata Nico.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Prestasi Prabowo Subianto

* Selaku warga negara yang peduli, pada usia yang sangat muda (16 tahun) Prabowo turut mendirikan lembaga swadaya masyarakat pertama di Indonesia bernama Lembaga Pembangunan. Di Lembaga Pembangunan, Prabowo bersama Soe Hok Gie, Jusuf Abraham Rawis dan aktivis lainnya mengorganisir mahasiswa Indonesia untuk turut serta dalam menjalankan berbagai usaha-usaha kerakyatan diantaranya pembangunan infrastruktur desa. Selengkapnya:

* Selaku prajurit KOPASSUS, Prabowo berhasil mengamankan Presiden Fretilin, Nicolau Lobato, dalam operasi penangkapan pada tanggal 31 Desember 1978. Waktu itu, Prabowo Subianto bertindak sebagai kapten yang memimpin 28 pasukan elit.

* Selaku prajurit KOPASSUS, Prabowo nerhasil memimpin operasi penyelamatan peneliti Ekspedisi Lorentz 95 yang disekap oleh Organisasi Papua Merdeka dalam operasi pembebasan sandera mapenduma pada tahun 1996. Waktu itu, Prabowo Subianto bertindak sebagai komandan. Prabowo membuktikan kepada konsultan-konsultan militer dari Delta Force Amerika dan SAS Inggris bahwa misi penyelamatan yang mereka vonis "mission impossible" dapat diselesaikand dengan baik oleh KOPASSUS. Selengkapnya:

* Selaku prajurit KOPASSUS, tim Prabowo berhasil mengibarkan bendera merah putih di puncak tertinggi dunia, Gunung Everest, di kawasan Himalaya pada tanggal 26 April 1997. Waktu itu, Prabowo Subianto bertindak sebagai pemrakarsa yang memimpin tim yang terdiri dari anggota Kopassus, Wanadri, FPTI, dan mapala UI untuk mendaki puncak Everest. Maka, Indonesia berhasil menjadi negara pertama di kawasan tropis sekaligus negara pertama di Asia Tenggara yang mencatat sukses menggapai puncak Everest. Selengkapnya:

* Prabowo berhasil mengharumkan nama Kopassus di dunia internasional dengan berbagai prestasinya, sehingga KOPASSUS diakui sebagai salah satu pasukan elit terbaik dunia, memiliki kesejahteraan yang paling baik dibandingkan satuan lainnya dan juga memiliki kelengkapan militer yang dapat disejajarkan dengan satuan elite militer dunia.

* Selaku pembina olahraga polo berkuda di Indonesia, pada Januari 2014 Prabowo telah berhasil menjadikan tim polo berkuda Indonesia menjuarai Kejuaraan Polo Berkuda se-Asia. Tim nasional Indonesia yang terdiri dari putera-putera petani berhasil mengalahkan tim nasional India, Cina, dan Korea Selatan yang diwakili oleh putera-putera raja-raja. Selengkapnya:

* Selama menjabat sebagai Ketua Umum IPSI, prestasi tim nasional pencak silat Indonesia selalu berkibar di kejuaraan internasional. Selama 20 tahun terakhir, Prabowo memastikan tim nasional pencak silat mendapat pendidikan terbaik, latihan tanding terbaik, dan fasilitas pelatnas terbaik. Bahkan, Prabowo mengawasi langsung latihan dengan menjadikan rumahnya tempat latihan silat. Selengkapnya:

* Selaku Ketua Dewan Pembina Partai Gerindra, Prabowo menjadikan Gerindra alat politik bagi putera-puteri terbaik bangsa seperti Basuki T Purnama (Ahok), M. Ridwan Kamil, dan Bima Arya Sugiarto untuk maju di pilkada dan memimpin daerahnya. Ketiganya sekarang diakui sebagai pemimpin yang berhasil membawa perubahan nyata di provinsi DKI Jakarta, kota Bandung dan kota Bogor. Prestasi Ahok, Ridwan Kamil dan Bima Arya juga adalah prestasi Prabowo. Selengkapnya:

* Selaku Ketua Dewan Pembina Partai Gerindra, Prabowo menjadikan Gerindra partai politik dengan transparansi proses dan transparansi keuangan terbaik, diakui oleh Transparency International Indonesia (TII) dan Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW). Di awal tahun 2013, Partai Gerindra mempelopori pendaftaran calon anggota DPR dan DPRD secara terbuka dan pemilihan berdasarkan prestasi (merit based). Selengkapnya:

* Masih bicara mengenai transparansi, selaku Ketua Dewan Pembina Partai Gerindra Prabowo gigih memastikan kader Gerindra menghemat uang negara. Salah satu sikap yang diambil adalah memastikan tidak ada kader Gerindra di DPR dan DPRD yang mengikuti "kebiasaan" jalan-jalan dengan kedok studi banding ke luar negeri. Selengkapnya:

* Selaku Ketua Dewan Pembina Partai Gerindra, Prabowo menjadikan Gerindra partai pertama dan satu-satunya partai politik yang mendeklarasikan sebuah rencana aksi yang akan dijalankan. Rencana aksi yang dinamakan "6 Program Aksi Transformasi Bangsa" ini disusun oleh Prabowo bersama dengan ratusan profesor dan guru besar dengan target-target yang jelas dan terukur. Selengkapnya:

* Selaku Ketua Dewan Pembina Partai Gerindra, Prabowo selalu menekankan akan pentingnya aksi nyata berkesinambungan. Salah satu realisasi dari konsep ini adalah layanan ambulans gratis Partai Gerindra yang sudah berjalan sejak tahun 2010. Saat ini armada ambulans gratis Partai Gerindra terdiri dari 400 mobil dan 400 tim relawan kesehatan yang siap memastikan setiap warga tidak mampu dapat memperoleh bantuan kesehatan secara gratis. Selengkapnya:

* Selaku warga negara biasa yang terdorong untuk membantu sesama warga negara, Prabowo pernah membantu kepulangan 200 BMI yang mengalami kesulitan di Yordania. Prabowo juga pernah membebaskan seorang BMI korban perdagangan manusia asal NTT, Wilfrida Soik di Malaysia dari tuntutan mati di Pengadilan Kelantan dengan merangkul pengacara terbaik Malaysia Tan Sri Dr. Muhammad Shafee Abdullah. Selengkapnya:

* Selaku warga negara biasa yang peduli, selama enam tahun terakhir Prabowo konsisten menyelenggarakan Piala Garuda - turnamen sepakbola tingkat nasional untuk kelompok usia U-12, U14 dan U16. Piala Garuda telah berhasil meluluskan beberapa orang pemain ke tim nasional U-19, tim yang telah berhasil mengharumkan nama bangsa di berbagai ajang internasional. Adalah cita-cita Prabowo agar tim nasional Indonesia suatu hari dapat bertanding dan memenangkan piala dunia. Selengkapnya:

* Selaku warga negara yang peduli dan memahami pentingnya pendidikan, Prabowo mengelola beasiswa penuh hingga tingkat mahasiswa untuk seluruh warga yang membutuhkan yang tinggal di sekitar rumahnya di Desa Bojong Koneng, Megamendung, Kabupaten Bogor. Selengkapnya:

* Selaku warga negara yang peduli dan memahami pentingnya pendidikan, Prabowo bersama Prof. Yohanes Surya menyelenggarakan Olimpiade Fisika Tingkat Asia (APHO). Dalam kompetisi ini, Prabowo bersama Prof. Yohanes Surya membuktikan bahwa setiap anak bangsa yang mendapatkan kesempatan untuk belajar dengan baik dapat berprestasi di tingkat internasional. Selengkapnya:

* Selaku Calon Presiden 2014, Prabowo telah terbukti sebagai satu-satunya Calon Presiden yang berani menandatangani kontrak politik untuk mewujudkan aspirasi kaum buruh Indonesia sekiranya dipercaya sebagai Presiden RI Periode 2014-2019. Selengkapnya:

* Selaku Calon Presiden 2014, Prabowo telah terbukti sebagai satu-satunya Calon Presiden yang menemukan dan berjanji akan menutup kebocoran kekayaan Republik Indonesia yang jumlahnya (menurut tim pakar Prabowo) adalah Rp. 1.160 triliun per tahun. Selengkapnya:

Mari #SelamatkanIndonesia dengan mengkampanyekan Prabowo/Hatta. Prabowo/Hatta menang, #IndonesiaBangkit!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Minahasa Regional Languages

Minahasa Regional Languages

Language Minahasa region consists of:
- Tountemboan
- Tombulu Tonsea
- Toulour (Tondano)
- Tonsawang
- Ratahan-pasan
- Ponosakan
- Bantik

Language is the language Minahasa Minahasa area native language of the parent family of Minahasa, namely:

Tombulu language, which is in Tomohon as a sub-language ethnic Tombulu. This language has two dialects, namely the use of the prefix ni ni and the insertion in the sense perfektum. The first consists of the dialect-dialect Tomohon Sarongsong and Tombariri, and the second consists of the dialect-dialect Kakaskasen, Klabat Down (Paniki) and Ares (Kamangta and Sawangan). This language was first known by the newcomers, the West.

Tountemboan language, used in the South Minahasa languages as sub-ethnic Tountemboan. Teriri this language of the two major dialects, namely makela'i dialects and dialect matana'i those who call kela'i (maotou or the like) and they mention that tana'i (like that). Matana'i dialect used in Sonder and Kawangkoan and matana'i used in Langowan, Tompaso, Tareran / Rumoong and Tombasian / Amurang. This language is the language most speakers in Minahasa.

Tondano language or languages Toulour, as a sub-language ethnic Toulour who inhabit the regions around Lake Tondano to the East coast of Minahasa (Tondano Pante). Tondano language consists of three main dialects that dialect Tondano, Kakas dialect and the dialects Remboken. Dialects of the largest in area and number of speakers are in the North and the city Tondano Eris-Kombi. Kakas dialect in the district of Kakas and Remboken dialect in the district Remboken. There are also language speakers in this area colonization (local Minahasa transmigration) in the district of New Tompaso and Modoinding. In New Tompaso, the main dialect in the village dituturkan Tondano Pinaesaan, Kinalawiran, Kinaweruan, Liningaan, Bojonegoro, Kakas dialect in the village Temboan and Polimaaan and dialects Remboken in the village Kinamang. In District Modoinding there Kakas dialect speakers in the village Wulurmaatus Palolon, Makaaruyan, Pinasungkulan, Lineleyan and dialect speakers Remboken in the village Sinisir and Kakenturan and dialect speakers in the main village Mokobang Tondano.

Tonsea language, used in the North Minahasa languages as sub-ethnic Tonsea. This language consists of two dialects, the main dialect used Tonsea around Airmadidi, Tatelu, Minawerot and dialects Kalabat-up is around Maumbi and Likupang.

Tonsawang language as the language ethnic Tonsawang. They mention the sub-etnisnya as Toundano. This language is influenced by many as a second language Tountemboan of this ethnic boundary.

Ratahan language, used around the city Ratahan as a sub-language or ethnic Ratahan pasan or also called Bentenan. This language has similarities with the language Sangir.

Ponosakan language as a language sub-ethnic Ponosakan. The language is the only sub-ethnic groups in the Minahasa Islam. This language with the language berkerabat Bolaang Mongondow.

Bantik language as a language sub-ethnic Bantik. This language with the language berkerabat Sangir.


Monument of the Lord Jesus bless

Monument bless the Lord Jesus made by Ir. Ciputra ketingian located at 160 m from the sea permukaaan make Citraland have the city Manado Manado and Bunaken sea is beautiful and exotic to enjoy. The monument itself is located on the top of the hill at the Royal Highland 32 m from the main road to make the monument to be very artistic and beautiful. Peletakkan first stone made by the Governor of North Sulawesi, Bpk. Drs. Harri Santa Sarundajang and the Servant of God and Church leaders from various denominations is planned to be inaugurated on Sunday, 4 November 2007.

Successfully recorded in the Indonesian Record Museum as the highest statue in the four continents, namely Asia, Europe, Africa and Australia. The statue of the monument the name of the Lord Jesus bless the statue is the second highest in the world after Jesus statue in Brazil. Sculptures at 30 meters was built in six months when standing upright above a height of 242 meters above sea level is in the district Tineleng, Manado.

Monument with an 20-kemiring this degree, under some statue of the Angel and the human statue that depicts the suffering of the people at the Minahasa in the Dutch design by the Dutch. And also any posts several biblical verses and symbols - the symbol of Minahasa. Please you can see the image for more details

You can click the image to enlarge photo. This is only a small image, there are about 200 photos of the Lord Jesus bless monument and also the image of housing Citraland in Manado. If you click the image then you will enter into a photo album and can see 200an images one by one, happy to see the beauty.


The Minahasa Asul Usul

The Minahasa Asul Usul

Authors: Ryker Marvyn

Lambang Minahasa

Indonesia, North Sulawesi, Manado. Native tribes there is Minahasa, and from which the original ancestor Minahasa tribe? according to the story of myth, myth is a sacred story, sacred and do not in any describe. Minahasa tribe ancestor is the Earth Goddess and the god of the sun bear offspring Minahasa, the story is told in the local language and who know only the Walian which is appointed by opo generation - generation. This story is usually told in general at the time of the ceremony Rumages, a story Toar Lumimu'ut. Toar sun god who always brighten and Minahasa Lumimu'ut Earth Goddess who gives fertility to the land of Minahasa and offspring.

Following a short story about Myth Minahasa I can tell the story as more information is confidential and only tell just in the heredity. Because if you told a lot going akan akan difficult questions that are described further, for example Earth Goddess on this native language Astoreth in the Bible. Sayapun can only be told about any such myths.

Then the ancestors of Minahasa at the beginning of the beginning? if the story based on fact?. from opinion Tandean, an expert in language and letter Ancient China, in 1997 came examine Watu Pinawetengan. Through any posts "Min Nan tou" is there in the stone, he said, tou Minahasa King Ming is derived from the land of Mongolia berimigrasi come to Minahasa. Meaning of Min Nan tou are "the descendants of the Sun King of the island. But strange as also known Ming Dynasty are not exactly Mongolia Ming Dynasty is a change that led Yuan Dynasty Mongol nation, by Kubilai Khan.

Based on the opinions of experts, among ALC Baekman and MB Van Der Jack that is derived from the same race Mongolscheplooi correlation with the Japanese and Mongolian is memiki lipit Mongolia. Indeed, the people familiar with the Mongolian way of life, fight with the 1 / 2 the time led by Genghis Khan, Mongol nation and does not spread except to go to Manado. Similarities with the Mongols in the system of belief can be seen on the original religion Minahasa as Mongolian Shamanism. And also led by a directly Walian entered by opo.Shamanism is the religion held firm in heredity by Mongol tribes. Can be seen also in Kalimantan Dayak, and Korea.

However, the Minahasa people are not just purely from the Mongols, but it is a mixture of Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, and known to be descendants of Jews, but more influenced by Christianity. The actual original Minahasa from the Mongols, the intensity of war, and with the famous Jewish kecerdasannya.Indeed, as a Dutch Jew who go to India only up 1 place of worship in Indonesia, please see the synagogues in Tondano

As we know Manado in Indonesia the process spelled out by foreign nations because it spoiled by the Dutch and partners. And the very different characteristics with the Indonesian people in general.
Minahasa tribe divided into nine subsuku:

  1. Babontehu
  2. Bantik
  3. Pasan Ratahan (Tounpakewa)
  4. Ponosakan
  5. Tonsea
  6. Tontemboan
  7. Toulour
  8. Tonsawang
  9. Tombulu

Minahasa contain the name of a noble from the ancestors through musyarawarah with the pledge that all Minahasa tou and his descendants will always be harmonious in the spirit of cultural Sitou Timou Tumou tou. In other words tou Minahasa akan stick together (maesa) wherever he is based with the nature maesa-esaan (mutually united, unanimous), Maleo-leosan (mutual love and pity), magenang-pool (remember each other), malinga-lingaan ( hear each other), masawang-Sawangan (mutual help) and matombo-tomboloan (contradict each other). This is the foundation of unity tou Minahasa from which all values of native cultural traditions Minahasa (Richard Leirissa, Human Minahasa, 1995).

So even though people have Minahasa anywhere in the end will come back together and, at that time will occur at the end of the era, which no one who can. As opo Karema had the mandate for "the offspring of you will live separate by mountains and jungle. However, the willingness to remain united and successful."


Between the paintings by Prince Diponegoro Pieneman and Raden Saleh


War Oorlog Java or Java, led by Prince Diponegoro which lasted for 5 years, 1825-1830, the Netherlands is a no less than 15,000 soldiers (about 8000 soldiers and 7000 European berkebangsaan indigenous)and 20 million fund Gulden, and 200,000 civilian victims of the Javanese . Perhaps s etelah this war population of Yogyakarta shrink half. The colonial Dutch offer their own gift of 50,000 Gulden for anyone who can catch Prince Diponegoro.

A year before the war, and the Dutch colonial government aid troops from Fort Amsterdam (Manado).This army, known by the name Tulungan forces consisting of about 1500'an Minahasa people, with leaders pasukannya Groot Mayoor Tololiu HW Dotulong. These forces make the Prince Diponegoro finally "together" with the Netherlands on 28 March 1830.

As I quoted from the book Jessy Wenas, 2007, History and Culture Minahasa, pp. 51:

"But now Resident Netherlands Minahasa DEWPietermaat requested to help the Netherlands to fight in the P. Java. Minahasa forces called Tulungan (Tulong bantu = I), but better known as the warrior Manado, formed after the signing of the contract dated 23 December 1927. Minahasa diwaliki Abraham Dotulong and J. Kawilarang, and as a witness in the Netherlands is Lieutenant A. Voges, where in 1421 the Minahasa provide personnel. Minahasa troop leader is Mayoor Tololiu Herman Willem Dotulong (Sonder) age 34 years. He is assisted kapitein three for each walak that many serdadunya: Sonder-Tombasian, KEMA-Kalabat, Langouwan, Tondano (Touliang-Toulimambot), Tomohon and Saronsong. They, among others, Benjamin Sigar (Langouwan), D. Rotinsulu (Tonsea), and Polingkalim (Tondano). kapitein Each assisted two Lieutenant: two lieutenant Tondano is Supit and Alexander H. Wuisan, Langouwan Jahanis Sangari lieutenant, and lieutenant of the adjuvant is Tomohon Mandagi, Palar, and Mongula. "

"They leave the ship to P. Java on 29 March 1829 and returned to the Minahasa next year ..."

(source is: 1. Jessy Wenas, 2007, History and Culture Minahasa. 2nd note shipping / travel bode in

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BTW there is a long way from Java to Manado with the ship at that time? Trus kalo 50,000 Gulden is the same as the first Rupiah now?

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Picture below is just my interpretation of the time. Please input, protest, denial or correction of his friends.

Click image to enlarge

Click image to enlarge

Asal Usul North Sulawesi


Version: Aneke Sumarauw Pangkerego
In ancient times, on the west coast Pengunungan Wulur Mahatus coral reefs, there is a good shape. Coral reefs is not dihiraukan people because there are not people in surrounding areas.
Dimusim when a drought, so the sun light so that the sting out of the rocks of sweat. At that time also, terciptalah a woman beautiful. Karema name, while he stood menadahkan hands to heaven and prayed, "O, Kasuruan opo e wailan wangko." Means "Oh God the very large, if You wish, nyatakanlah where I was and give it friend for life."
Once finished the prayer, itupun rock split into two and mencullah a beautiful woman. Karema no longer own. He said to the woman, "Because you are a stone's sweat, you kuberi name Lumimuut., Your descendants will live long into the future and grow in beach sand as the sea, however, you must work hard squeeze sweat."
On one day, told Karema beautiful daughter who is handsome south facing and so that it gives the offspring of pregnant. Lumimuut also carry the mother's, but it does not happen anything, Because the south is not successful, Lumimuut been mengadap to the east, west, and north. This very day didak bring results.
Then the ceremony is held again. Lumimuut are facing towards the west are gale blow. The long run, after the ceremony finished, the body becomes Lumimuut others. In fact Lumimuut already pregnant.
During pregnancy, Lumimuut always kept and treated with loving by Karema.When the time comes, Lumimuut any child birth to men who are named Toar.Toar also be given the knowledge and ability as the Karema.
Growth toar body very quickly. Body form large, strong, sturdy, and strong. In the forest wilderness, Toar not and can not be scared by ditaklukkan Anoa, pig deer, and snakes.
After Toar adults, said Karema to Toar and Lumimuut, "Now is time for you both roam circumnavigate the world. I have provided two rods same length. Toar stick to the tree of tuis and stick to Lumimuut made from tree tawaang. If later in the odyssey, you meet someone with both men and women bring a stick like this, bandingkanlah stick with you. If you stick the same length, it means you are still bound to the family. However, if the stick is different and no longer the same length, you can form a household. Hopefully this happens and you will produce offspring. The offspring of you will live separate by mountains and jungle. However, it will have the will to remain united and successful. "
Nuwu (mandate) Karema a stock for Lumimuut and Toar in their odyssey.Mountain, hill and valley, and mounting them hope they lalui. Toar to the north and south Lumimuut. Tuis in the hands of Toar grow long, but tawaang remain in the hands of Lumimuut as usual,
On a full moon night, in the middle of the shine off moonshine, bertemulah Toar with Lumimuut. Appropriate mandate Karema, They compare each rod. In fact, they do not stick together again so that the long marriage ceremony was performed. Stars and moon as witnesses. Tor the implementation of the ceremony looked like a ball of gold. Mount it and then called Lolombulan.
After the wedding ceremony, they also find Karema. However, it was not found.Then, they settled in the mountains a lot of bamboo ditumbuhi tui (small bamboo). Therein they have children and grandchildren. For the descendants of children, twin-nine (semakarua siyouw), two times nine. Birth of offspring was always the sound of whistling birds greeted wala (doyot) as a reliable landmark to obtain the gift of generosity and blessing.
This story can be classified in the legend. Many of the Minahasa consider this as a story of truth even if to prove the truth is almost impossible. Moral message of the story is we should remember the advice of parents. In addition, although we fair or brave youth, kendaklah we always work hard to be worthy of living.
Quoted from: Book of Stories Minahasa people.
By: Aneke Sumarauw Pangkerego