Monday, July 20, 2009

Brigade Manguni with opo - opo

ARRIVAL AMERIKA PRESIDENT, George W Bush to India, on Monday (20/11), seems not only a matter of trial diributkan counter-demonstration. However supranatural forces, such as Ki Gendeng Pamungkas menyantet for the hard-working mencelakai United States President, the hot topic to be leaders of the world is coming.
Interestingly, almost simultaneously with dihari Ki Gendeng Pamungkas start menyantet Bush, the troops of customary land Minahasa industrious known Manguni Brigade (BM), was first fort for the United States President's influence-the influence of evil forces.

Traditional ceremony to ward forces and evil magic that was performed twice in the day "H" the coming of George W Bush to India.

First, in the morning Pinawetengan Watu (Kawangkoan) dawn, pukul 05.00 Wita. Rituals in the sacred place that believed this, the stakeholders-traditional stakeholders and the tonaas-tonaas Minahasa Minahasa traditional khusuk do.

Ritual procession led Tonaas Wangko Brigade Manguni, Decky Maengkom lasted almost 3 hours that, at the same time with a number of strange events. For instance, a bird Manguni that only hold a procession around the arena during the ritual in progress to complete.

After the traditional ceremony in the morning, Maengkom and the other tonaas given instructions to immediately go to one location, where the tombs of the ancient ancestor Minahasa.

Sorenya approximately 2 hours before George Bush board feet in Indonesia, the indigenous group of troops BM beringsut toward a particular location, such as instructions in the Watu Pinawentengan, namely, Waruga, Sawangan Minahasa Utara.
In the major Waruga journey, entourage diguyur by heavy rain, and kilatan-kilatan lightning strike berdesingan-nyambar from the sky.

Strangely, when the entourage arrived right dilokasi Waruga, immediately rain and lightning instantly direct blow as though dihalau a strength that is not visible. Witness to the incident, many people are damaged, including journalists who wonder dibautnya coverage directly.

In Waruga Sawangan, which is believed to be lucky and very able to provide power for supranatural who visit there, held back traditional ceremonies. Ritual directly led by Tonaas Wangko BM, Decky Maengkom and in dampingi Tonaas Rambi and Tonaas Supit.
Prophylactic mystical rituals of the ancestral graveyard in Minahasa this, start coincided with President Bush set foot in India, ie, at 17:00 Wita.

In procession, the Tonaas membaluti themselves with the customary clothes BM, Minahasa Hat, captikus bottle, incense, Paper Koran, and the stem 5 cigarettes.

Several times to the corral tombs tonaas (waruga) Dotu Kalalo. They make a variety of demand-demand via the discussion ended with a brief shouting.
"Opo-opo, keep soil Minahasa, Indonesia Keep, Keep ... Bush and SBY.Woooouuu ... .., I Yayat U Santi, "screaming tonaas Supit.

Decky Maengkom after its rituals, to the journalist, said that the ritual is the only advanced Waruga from Watu Pinawetengan ritual.

"We maintain the lead and the influence of Bush's mystical (magic, science) days before the ritual far prophylactic troops on this day," I Tonaas Wangko Dicky Maengkom.
Any purpose of this ritual, according to Maengkom, is to avert its santet Ki Gendeng Pamungkas menyantet ambition that George WBush.

"He is (Ki Gendeng) there is apanya. For history has proven tempo first, that citizens are able to catch Minahasa Imam Bonjol and Diponegoro, he said that in the great sciences," said Maengkom fervent, that the customary rituals capable Minahasa avert evil forces.

Reports: Vanny "Maemossa" Loupatty)



Brigade Manguni merupakan ormas kepemudaan di Minahasa untuk menampung berbagai aspirasi masyarakat khususnya kaum muda Minahasa

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