Minahasa, as one of the regencies (districts) of North Sulawesi Province, is one of the findings megalit warehouse in the eastern Indonesian region. The types of tinggalan megalit found in this area is a grave stone box (waruga), menhir (Watu-tumotowa), a stone mortar, and stone bergores. In addition, other megalit found objects such as sculpture menhir, dakon and stone altar stone. Megalit findings in North Sulawesi has been examined by some researchers, such as CT. Berthling writing "De Minahasische Waruga en Hockerbestattung" NION vol XVI in 1931, and the CIJ. Sluijk with the writings "Tekeningen op grafstenen uit de Minahasa." In 1976 Hadi Moeljono and colleagues examine waruga in several areas in Minahasa finding and writing in the News Archeology Research (bap) No.3 1984. Next, the researchers from the National Research Center of Central Jakarta and Manado Archeology has conducted a series of research objects megalit, since 1993 until now.
Megalit is tinggalan the form of objects or buildings (Monument) from the culture of the use of stone as big (material). This culture began to spread in Indonesia, together with the dissemination of culture through the migration of Austronesian tribes nations that use the language Austronesia. This area of culture, among others, Korea, Japan, Formosa, China, Southeast Asia, including Indonesia, and spread to the Pacific region. According to the experts there are two routes to the spread of megalit area in Indonesia, namely: through the western entrance to the west of Indonesia, and through the north of the entrance to the eastern Indonesian region. Megalit in Minahasa seems to go to this area through the north, and then spread to the eastern Indonesian region. Kebuayaan Megalit in Indonesia to leave the building or object in the form of menhir, dolmen, berundak terrace, chest tomb stone, stone sculpture, statue menhir, sarcophagus, a stone mortar, stone bergores, dakon stone, and stone altars, and others.
Article 1: Megalit And Sebarannya in Minahasa
In general, the objects were found in megalit Minahasa can be divided into several types of megalit namely: chest tomb, menhir, mortar stones, stone bergores, altar stone, stone sculpture and stone dakon or statue menhir. Tomb stone at the box Minahasa called in the local language with the term waruga. Things tinggalan megalit this is a very dominant in Minahasa. Type megalit the other is menhir. Estimated menhir called in the local language with the term Watu tumotowa initially megalit is also an object that is dominant in Minahasa, and serves as a sign of an area or village. In general, menhir of this region is very simple and are not intensively, and even many that are not done at all its forms so that the same form with alamiahnya, the likelihood is that many menhir used and used for other purposes Lumpang stone megalit other type is found in Minahasa the south. as well as stone bergores, which although not finding much, but it is important that tinggalan. The types of megalit the other is a stone altar, and dakon stone statue or stone statue menhir is also found in the megalit Minahasa. The types of this kind megalit not many in number and area sebarannya is also very limited.
Article 2: Waruga
Waruga Airmadidi
Waruga Sawangan
Waruga is a local term for tinggalan megalit including the type of litter in the grave stones in Minahasa. This object consists of two parts, namely the body and part of this section tutup.Kedua each made from a piece of stone (monolith), segiempat generally shaped box (cube) for the body and only a few segidelapan shaped or rounded. In addition, part of the roof resembles tutupnya home.
Contents Waruga
Waruga this function as a venue for the graves of the dead in one family. Each is estimated to be waruga bury some of the family members who died. In waruga normally found in bone-human bones associated with other objects such as ceramic china, jewelry and metal tools and beads. Bone-bone is the remains of human bones that have been buried along with the stock kuburnya consisting of: plates, bowls, and the types of other ceramics, bronze bracelets, necklaces bronze, bronze knives, bronze parang, beads, and other so forth.
Most decorated waruga both the vessel and the tutupnya. The types of hiasannya of human motives, motives plant distilir (runner-suluran), motif geometry (lines, triangle and others), animal motifs, and so forth. Decorations that attract people from waruga is straddle and people who are giving birth. Among waruga have a large enough size that is: 1.5 m high container, place 1 m wide and 1.45 m high close, so that the overall level reached almost 3 meters. Chest tomb stone which is called the Minahasa waruga achieve overall number of 1335 units.
Waruga in the Village Kawangkoan
Waruga in Minahasa spread in almost all areas of the regencies Minahasa namely: Working Area Tonsea, Tomohon, Tolour, Kawengkoan, and Amurang. Working Area in Tonsea, waruga found in the village Kokoleh, Likupang, Wangurer, and all the stones to include in the District Likupang; Matungkas in the Village, Paniki Top, Bottom Paniki, and Tatelu in District Dimembe; Airmadidi Down in the Village, Sawangan, Kawengkoan, Kolongan, Tanggari, Kuwil, and in Maumbi in District Airmadidi; in the Village of Gross, Tumaluntung, and in District
Waruga Sawangan
Kauditan KEMA. Waruga also found in the Working Area
Waruga Sawangan
Kawangkoan namely: in
the Village Palamba, Winubetan, Nimawale, and Tompaso in District Langowan; and in the Village Kaneyan in District Tareran; also in the Village kiawa, Kayuuwi, Kanonang, Uner and Talikuran in District Kawangkoan; more than that in the Working Area is found waruga dim District Sonder.
Waruga in
Village Kawangkoan
Working Area in Tolour waruga found in the village and Nimawale in District Koya Tondano, and in the Village of Kakas in District kakas. Working Area in Waruga Tomohon found in the village Kakas kasen, Woloan, Tara-Tara, Kayawu, Matani, Kolongan and in Lansot Tomohon in District, and in the Village Lolah and Ranowangko in District Tombariri. Working Area in Amurang waruga found among others in the village Lelema, Popontolen, Popareng and tumpaan in District Tumpaan; and Rumoong Down in the village in District Tombasian, and in the village of Radey, in the District of Tenga.
Article 3: Watu Tumotowa
Waruga Airmadidi
In the local language, menhir called Watu tumotowa, upright stone that is used to mark the development of a village or group of members of the community or communities in a region in Minahasa. Menhir here is usually a vertical-shaped stone monument. Most of the menhir in this region does not manufacture the hands of man, that in accordance with the simple form of the original (natural) and not berhiasan. Watu tumotowa or menhir that found in most small Minahasa namely: high 20 - 50 cm, diameter 15 - 30 cm. However, there are also large enough menhir is found in the village Lelema in District Tumpaan, the size of about 200 cm high and the width between 20 -40 cm. Menhir or known as the Watu tumotowa in Minahasa found this a number of 61 units.
Waruga Airmadidi
Watu Tumotowa or menhir found in several places in Minahasa, namely in the Village Kiawa in District Kawangkoan; Tincep in the village and village in Leilem District Sonder; Motoling in the Village, Kumelembual, Mopolo, megalithuan Lama, Wakan, Raanan old, Lompad, and in Makasili kecamatan Motoling. Watu Tumotowa also found in the village Lelema, Popontolen, Sulu, Paslaten, Popareng, and the Village Tangkuney in District Tumpaan; Rumoong Down in the Village, Pondang, Pondos, and Tewasen in District Tombasian, and in the Village Radey, Tenga, and Pakuweru District in Tenga . In addition, the District Ratahan, namely in the Village Liwutung and Poniki, and in the Village Tinoor and Kayawu Tomohon in the District, and in District Tondaro has found that some menhir called Watu tumotowa is. Similarly in the case Kodya Manado on the site in the stone Sumanti Ares Tikala handed in the District, also found the Watu tumotowa.
Article 4: Lesung Stone
Lesung Stone
Village Malola
Lesung stone found in most of the southern part of Minahasa. This object made from a single stone (monolith), in some kind of shape. One of the stone mortar Minahasa's interesting is that like the cormorant (vessel to boil rice), has the physique and the size of the sunken 55 cm high, the base diameter 50 cm, diameter of the body (the basin) 40 cm, diameter 60 edge cm, diameter 20 cm mouth hole, and the depth of 30 cm hole.
Lesung in stone
New Village Tompaso
There is also a stone mortar Minahasa the shape of such, but the size of higher and slim, so that more resembles Tifa (drum from the eastern part of Indonesia). Lesung the other stone is a globe-shaped with a hole at the top of it. Lesung the shape of this kind are
Lesung Stone
Village Pontak
usually smaller size of the mortar
Lesung Stone
Village Pontak
boiler or Tifa. In addition, there is also a cylindrical mortar sized such as mortar-shaped boiler. Overall stone mortar were found in 32 pieces of Minahasa.
Lesung stone found in most Minahasa region in the south of the village Karimbow, New Ranaan, Pontak, Poopo, Motoling, Tonday, New megalithuan, Mopolo, Malola, and Ranaan Lama in District Motoling; and in the Village of Bitung and Lewet in District Tombasian, and in District Tenga, as well as in New Tompaso. All included in Working Area Amurang. Meanwhile, in the Working Area Ratahan found in a stone mortar Ratahan District and in District Tombatu.
Article 5: Watu Pinawetengan
Watu Pinawetengan
Megalit other type of interest, which is located in Minahasa bergores stones were found in the District Tompaso. By local stone is called the bergores Watu pinawetengan. Bongkahan stone is a large natural stone, so that the shape is not uniform. On bongkahan stone there are scratches, scratches various patterns made by human hands. Scratch-scratching that have formed a human image, like male genitalia, female genitalia describe, motifs and lines and patterns that are not clear meaning. Experts suspect that stroke-stroke is a symbol associated with the trust the community's support megalit culture, namely the belief in the spirit of ancestors (fathers) who have seen the strength of its magical set and define human life in the world. Therefore, people must do rites of worship to obtain a safety or to obtain what is expected (such as the success of the harvest, or reject marabahaya dispel disease) by using large stones as they worship.
Local people believe that the stone was the place where the leaders bermusyawarahnya community leaders and descendants of the original Minahasa Toar & Lumimuut (the ancestor of the Minahasa) in the past, in order to divide the region into six groups of ethnic tribes who belong to the people in groups ethnic Minahasa. To this bergores stones that have been found in Minahasa, a new pinawetengan Watu, there Kawangkoan work in the area but the findings can be considered as a quite important and can be included as historical monuments, especially the history of cultural community Minahasa
Article 6: Altar Stone, Stone Dakon And Arca Menhir
Portrait Stone / Menhir
Overlapping kecamatan
The types of megalit the altar consists of a stone, stone dakon, and the statue menhir in Minahasa role does not appear so prominent. This is evidenced by the number of finding that is not too big and sebarannya a limited area. Altar stone is a stone bongkahan quadrangular or rounded often does not even uniform, which has the flat, especially at the surface (the top) so that the shape resembles a table. Mengalit this type usually used as a means to perform the ceremony liturgy by the people who have faith in the spirits of ancestors.
Until now there are nine new altar stone that has been found in Minahasa. Similarly dakon like stone, is also a tool for the ceremony to the spirit of seeking the help of fathers in order to obtain good harvests and fertility of land expect. Dakon this stone made from stone bongkahan are holes as well as the plaything dakon. Minahasa dakon in stone only found as many as six only.
Flat stones Berdakon
Village Pontak
The findings of a statue megalit other menhir. Also usually made of stone shaped like a single upright stone (menhir), but at the top was like a human being, with the head and the face and body, while his leg is not described. Menhir statue is intended as a depiction of the ancestral dikultuskan. Things are usually also the means to perform the ceremony to worship the spirit of the ancestors. Menhir statue in Minahasa who has found is as much as two.
Types of Stone Altar megalit, dakon stone, sculpture and menhir such were found in some places it in Minahasa. Such as stone altars were found in some villages, which is in District Motoling, in District Tombasian and on the site in Batu Sumanti Kodya Manado; dakon rock found in several places in the District Motoling, Tompaso District, and in District Malalayang; while only a stone statue found Kiawa in the Village, District kawangkoan and Sendangan in the Village, in the District Tompaso.
Article 7: Closing
Minahasa region tinggalan megalit have a rather large and interesting to learn or further examined and developed world for the sake of science, education and tourism. Empowerment efforts need to be tinggalan-tinggalan megalit in Minahasa this through research, maintenance, and utilization for tinggalan-tinggalan it. In order to empower it would study this region megalit against Minahasa megalit is a need to implement the strategy. This study aimed to learn of (distribution) and the relationship (relationship) of tinggalan-tinggalan megalit that there is in Minahasa. To note in this study are of objects from these sites and megalit, and the relationship between objects with the objects, and between sites with the site, and the relationship between objects and sites with the physical environment. This study, learn the relationship artefacts in space (that is, sites or areas) and also the relationship between the various elements and the environment in space. For that effort as the empowerment of cultural heritage in the past, North Sulawesi, which is related to the empowerment of the world of science, education and culture, and tourism and the welfare of the people, then:
Need to be done in Minahasa cultural revitalization for the benefit of the wider community with the empowerment of cultural heritage megalit.
Minahasa Megalit need to be divided into five (5) of the region, and in each group can be selected a strategic location as a center for information megalit region.
At the center of the information that each needs to build a "Garden of ancients" which contains the information and the collection of replica objects megalit from each region, as the teaching-learning materials and cultural tourism object.
Groups in the Minahasa region megalit that include:
Megalit Tonsea with the center in Airmadidi
Megalit Tolour with the center in Tondano
Megalit Tomohon Kakas in the center-Kasen
Megalit Kawangkoan with the center on the Site Pinawetengan Watu
Magalit Amurang with the center in Amurang.
With the implementation of the strategy of the study group and the division of this region megalit, each expected maintenance and utilization of research objects in Minahasa megalit will be more effective, and clarify the pattern of the background and the existence of the objects in this region. This strategy is expected to support four key policy directions of the development of national culture, namely the Directorate General of Culture:
intensifying the role of culture as jatidiri nation,
cultivation of creativity,
information center of the Indonesian culture, and
increase achievement in the international forum (Sedyawati, 1993).
Besides, this strategy is the penjebaran of five major research themes which is a policy of archaeological research in Indonesia, namely:
process and the flow of migration,
the process of cultural contact,
the process of adaptation and growth of the local culture (local genius),
occurred during the process and cultural diversivikasi, and
the process of cultural integration in the national scope and perspective (Ambary, 1993).
Article 8: References
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